Welcome to Denmark

Denmark, a bicycle nation where bikes crossing the city center are more than cars. Denmark, situated in Northern Europe and part of Scandinavia, where you are never more than 50 km. from the sea, as Denmark was always a seafaring nation. Here you will find dune plantations and long sandy beaches in the West but rolling hills and orchards on central. Hometown of famous actor H.C. Andersen and famous for the feel of “hygge” a Danish word of coziness and comfortable. With a population of 5.8 million people, Denmark’s economy is based on advanced industry with world-leading firms in pharmaceuticals, maritime shipping, and renewable energy, and a high-tech agricultural sector. Danes enjoy a high standard of living, and the Danish economy is characterized by extensive government welfare measures and an equitable distribution of income.

Cool Facts

In Copenhagen you can find the first metro managed by computer.

Every single road has aside a bicycle road. That’s why every family in Denmark has a bicycle.

Kayak is free, if you help clean the sea from waste.

In Denmark there are 28 million pigs, but only 5.7 million people.

You’ll never be more than 25km from the ocean in Denmark.

The Copenhagen harbour is clean enough to swim in.

Activities – Highlights